Qld Board Riding Titles - 11th & 12th March 2023

Published: March 15, 2023

WOW -What a weekend!!!

Coolum Beach saw a small team of six competitors head to the Gold Coast last weekend to compete in the QLD State Board Riding Championships at Miami Beach. What an ‘ON and OFF’ event…… we had blue skies, light winds and glassy 2-3 ft swell on Saturday, 20-25 km northerly winds on Sunday bringing 1-2 ft messy swell, then that afternoon rain, mixed with lightening which meant CLOSED BEACHES. At 3pm the event was SHUT DOWN. Despite all of that our Coolum competitors managed to shine with every member making at least semi-finals. Between them the team brought home 2 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze medals.  The team was well supported by Sharleen “Queen of the Beach” Swan, ‘Queen of the Beach’, officiated both days. Many thanks Sharleen.

While there were many stand out performances, Lachlan Andrews at 17 years of age who claimed silver in the open male short boards against 31 in this category was a standout. Well done to Lachie with your talent and consistency it was a class act, making it through rounds, quarters, semis into the Open Final. But Lachlan wasn’t finished - he then took out the Under 19s Male short boards claiming Gold. Also on the podium in the U19s was older brother Toby Andrews who grabbed the Bronze medal in style – making Mum and Dad very, very Proud. Our youngest competitor was Josh Andrews (yes this family have three amazing sons that are exceptional surfers). Joshie earnt solid scores in his short board semi (U15’s), but luck was not with him missing out by only 0.1 of a point to progress to finals.  Cooper Waring enjoyed some nose walking, long rides and sliders on his 9ft 6” MS Single Fin, in the Open Long Boards making it through to semis (top 8) narrowly missing the final, well done Cooper.  Our very own GOAT (Bruce Dunne) smashed big scores in the Masters and Open Male Long Board events. In between heats, rounds finals etc he was socialising with judges, competitors, locals, you name it. Bruce knows everyone! Thanks to Bruce for team managing and driving the bus fully loaded with boards and bags. The ever reliable Jodie grabbed two silvers in both Open and Masters female long boards. Great to have Mia Finch, Sean and Emma Andrews there supporting the team. It is a busy weekend with lots going on, back to back heats and finals, keeping up with the live heats system required extra eyes from our support crew – all of their help was very welcome. Thanks for the texts and encouragement from our members back at the club – we appreciate it. Finally a BIG thank you to Carla, Rhi, Jo, Greg Woodward, and our families whom held the fort while we were away competing (Heidi and Anthony), the MC for your support nominations and access to the bus, SLSQ for organising this fun event and of course Sharleen for making it all possible. Remember we are only as good as our TEAM - 35 points 6 Coolum Beach competitors . 



Lachlan Andrews U19 Male Short Boards

Bruce Dunne 40yrs & Over Male Long Boards



Lachlan Andrews Open Male Short Boards

Jodie Waring Open Female Long Boards

Jodie Waring 40yrs & Over Female Long Boards



Toby Andrews U19 Male Short Boards

Bruce Dunne 40yrs & Over Male Short Boards



Josh Andrews U15 Male Short Boards

Cooper Waring Open Male Long Boards


The team of six did Coolum Beach proud bringing home thes 2 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze medals. Well done to the team and thanks to Sharleen for her ever diligent official duties.

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Not ready to become part of Coolum Surf Club but still want to help?

It takes a lot of money to run a surf lifesaving club; from the equipment needed on the beach (vehicles, boards, IRBs, first aid kits, defibrillators etc) to administration and training to facilitate patrolling.

So if you can't join us, support us through one of the following options.

Coolum Beach SLSC Nippers

Does your child want to become a Nipper?

Looking for a fun summer sport where your kids will learn essential surf safety skills, gain confidence in the ocean, and meet new friends?

Coolum Nippers is the answer! Nippers run from the September school holidays to February/March and is open to kids from 5 to 12 yrs.

Not only will they learn surf safety and what surf lifesaving is all about, but also have the opportunity to compete in carnivals and have mid-week training to improve their skills.

Find out more...



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