Notice of Coolum Beach SLS Supporters Assn. Inc. AGM 25th June 2022

Published: May 13, 2022 Last Updated: May 18, 2022

Dear Members,

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Coolum Beach Surf Life Saving Club will be held on Saturday 25th June 2022 at 4pm at the Coolum Beach Surf Lifesaving Members Area – 1775 David Low Way, Coolum Beach.

Nominations of candidates for election as Management Committee members shall be:
i. made in writing, signed by two Members and accompanied by the written consent of the nominee via the following nomination form(available at reception in the supporters foyer); and
ii. delivered to the Association not less than 30 days before the Annual General Meeting, being the 26th May 2022.

Any requests for Notice of Motions must be received by the Secretary, via, by 26th May 2022. The release of the AGM Agenda, Notice of Motions received by members, and nominations received by members for the lifesaving club will be issued to members on Friday 3rd June 2022.

Note – the Supporters Club AGM will be commencing at 3pm and the Lifesaving Club AGM will be commencing at 4pm. Due to the requirement to sign in on arrival, we would ask that you organise to get to the venue no later than ten minutes prior to the meeting starting.

Coolum Beach SLSC Management Committee

Call for Nominations for Season 2022-23

Nominations are hereby called for Coolum Beach Surf Life Saving Club (the Club) Management Committee and Officer positions for the 2022-23 season. All nominations will be voted on and endorsed at the upcoming The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Club on Saturday 25th June 2021 at 4pm.


Nominations for all positions are to be received by the Club in writing at least 30 days prior to the AGM (by May 26th 2022), on the below form. The nomination is to be signed by two Members and accompanied by the written consent of the nominee. All nominations received will be released to the members 21 days prior to the AGM.

Note - at the AGM of the Club, all current members of the Management Committee shall retire from their office but shall be eligible upon nomination for re-election. Under the Constitution of the Club, approved on 8th August 2020, all Management Committee nominations are for a period of two years, with half of the Management Committee to be elected in each alternate year. Nominations at the 2022 AGM are therefore for the following positions:

  • Secretary;
  • Treasurer;
  • Club Captain *one year term only
  • Deputy President;
  • Member Officer; and
  • JAC Chair.

The other positions are halfway through their 2-year terms and will decided upon at the 2023 AGM. Those positions are:

  • President;
  • Surf Sports Officer; and
  • Chief Training Officer.
Before you accept nomination for a role you must be prepared to make the following undertakings:
  • Be willing and capable of fulfilling the requirements of the nominated position.
  • Agree to abide by and uphold the SLSQ Governance Standards, Code of Conduct & any other policies of the Association.
  • Within 45 days of appointment to your role, agree to read, and commit to, abide by and uphold the Clubs Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Understand that Management Committee members are required to attend monthly meetings and cannot miss more than three meetings per year without a leave of absence granted by the rest of the Management Committee.
To be eligible to accept nomination you must meet the following criteria:
  • Be an adult and a financial member of the Club at the time of the nomination.
  • Meet the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Responsible Person’s requirements.
  • Not be a bankrupt or one who has compounded with their creditors or otherwise taken advantage of the laws in force for the time being relating to bankruptcy.
  • Not be a person who is a patient within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1974.
  • Not been convicted of an indictable offence or of an offence punishable on summary conviction for which the person is sentenced to imprisonment otherwise than in default of payment of a fine.
  • Have a current positive notice Blue Card for child related activities.

Notice - the Club advises all potential nominees that its holds Public Liability Insurance to the amount of $20 million dollars.

Voting - voting will take place at the AGM. For any contested positions, voting will be by secret ballot. For all noncontested positions a vote will be called by a show of hands.

Please address any questions to the Secretary via email –

Download a Nominations Form

Support Coolum Surf Club

Not ready to become part of Coolum Surf Club but still want to help?

It takes a lot of money to run a surf lifesaving club; from the equipment needed on the beach (vehicles, boards, IRBs, first aid kits, defibrillators etc) to administration and training to facilitate patrolling.

So if you can't join us, support us through one of the following options.

Coolum Beach SLSC Nippers

Does your child want to become a Nipper?

Looking for a fun summer sport where your kids will learn essential surf safety skills, gain confidence in the ocean, and meet new friends?

Coolum Nippers is the answer! Nippers run from the September school holidays to February/March and is open to kids from 5 to 12 yrs.

Not only will they learn surf safety and what surf lifesaving is all about, but also have the opportunity to compete in carnivals and have mid-week training to improve their skills.

Find out more...



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